the waiting game

2 Aug

It’s been six months since my last period.  That was the ONLY period I have had since coming off the Pill.  Time flies, eh?  Six.  Months.

Three days ago, I had some slight (but unmistakable) spotting.  I figured that menstruation was just around the corner, but was a little confused by the lack of cramps or sore boobs.  I mean, I ALWAYS have cramps and sore boobs to the point of misery.  But whatever, I figured they would come soon enough.

Then the next day, no cramps, no sore boobs, and no blood.

Then the next day, nothing again.

I became suspicious.  Could this be implantation bleeding?  The timing would make sense with the last time we had intercourse (a week and a half ago).

Peed on a stick this morning: negative.

And then today, very subtle spotting yet again.  Still no other symptoms.  I know it would still be fairly early for anything to show up on a pregnancy test.  And I also  know that sometimes spotting happens, and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

So now I am waiting and wondering and trying to figure out what to hope for.

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